Why the Right People Don’t Care: Part 2
Last week, I posted 3 of the 6 great reasons the right people don’t care about your cause. If you missed them, read more here.
Today, I share the other 3, and one crucial thing everyone misses when looking for a sponsoring partner.
Who are the right people?
They are people with a) connections you need, b) the resources your cause requires or c) the talent that will take your cause to higher level of contribution to the community.
As stewards of their resources, they won’t invest in your cause without thought.
And you can’t change the world alone.
Don’t make these mistakes:
4. You’re telling the wrong story.
Successful people and companies will not waste their time with someone who isn’t working on the things they care about. Once you get yourself in front of the right people, are you telling them the story that most aligns with their own vision?
5. You’re depressing us.
Telling the most depressing story about your cause is not going to win you a deeper contribution. It will make a funder feel like they are dropping their talent or resources into a black hole of despair. Why should we invest if what you’re doing is hopeless? Find the light.
6. You have no space for us.
This is the most important. You’re standing in front of the right person, you’ve wrapped us in a compelling, hopeful story, and your organization is going to save the day! Great!
Then why do you need us? Somewhere within your story you need to find a space for that right person. If not, you just told us a great story, and raised our awareness, but didn’t give us room to be a part.
Here’s the crucial thing that everyone people misses. Ask for a referral. Birds of a feather flock together. If you’ve won over one company (and even if you haven’t), they may know another organization that will also believe in your work. Ask to be introduced.
My hope is that these tips will help you make the connections you need to continue your great work. Click on the title above, and comment!
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