Be Your Own Coach: Dre Baldwin of #WorkonYourGame

I caught up with Dre Baldwin of DreAllDay and Work On Your Game fame, one of the top content creators on mental toughness on YouTube. He is a professional basketball player who turned his successful international career into a brand for young athletes who want to control their careers.
As he puts it, even the best B-Ball players have someone else signing their paychecks. With that mindset, he set out to maximize his time. He has since produced SEVEN books, including a fun book on confidence (check out the SuperYou) and a compilation of his best musings, he has spoken at 3 TEDx events, and produces leading insightful content for folks who want to be the best of themselves.
He challenged me to get MY game in order, and asked me why I’m not podcasting.
Using a few of his tips, here’s our first one. Check Dre Baldwin out at He’s the real deal.
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One Response
Thanks for having me Nerissa! Great conversation!
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