An Empty Shampoo Bottle

I was in the shower the other day.
Well, I take a shower EVERY day, but on this particular day, my favorite hair product was almost finished.
I felt a bit disappointed, and squirted only a little bit out. Now I’ve got a lot of hair, and that little dime-sized portion they talk about just doesn’t cut it.
But then I remembered that I was going to the mall and I could pick up some more easily.
I squirted a healthy portion and got busy styling my hair.
This is how we live life, y’all.
We have a whole lot of love and talent and genius to give to one another. We’re so stingy. We wait for the right moment, the right person or the right opportunity.
God help us if the person we gave our gifts to uses them in a way that we didn’t plan for. Our feathers get ruffled, and we get self-righteous.
That’s because we think we have a limited amount of brilliance and love to share. We hoard it, because we forget how much we continuously have to offer. Your talents don’t disappear. You have more love even when your heart has been broken.
And despite reports to the contrary, people still give to great causes. You just need to tell a story that speaks to your givers.
Give inspiration and honesty– don’t hoard yourself– and the right people will respond.
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