Nerissa Street will show you why.

A special update

This post is special for two reasons: #1: I am hosting a workshop session for my clients tonight. #2: And, one of my clients decided to blog about my work with him, so you can get an idea about what I do. Special #1: I’m going to tell you what we’re working on in this…
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Be A Spider (4 Wise Moves for Entrepreneurs)

Even though I’m a writer and creative consultant, I’m a scientist at heart. Most of my work comes from the revelations I have while studying nature and physics. On a walk the other day, I saw a huge banana spider suspended between a tree and a building. There was evidence in its web that it…
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6 Things Leaders Can Learn From The World Cup

1. True fans will follow you everywhere. I was watching the #ivorycoastvsjapan match and was amazed at how coordinated the fans were. They had a choreographed dance, shakers and costuming. This is an important game for the country. People knew that their “Elephants” needed their energy, so they came. The Ivory Coast did not disappoint.…
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Why compare?

How weird news teaches us great storytelling

Your best stories are those where the results surprised you. Read this article by Guy Bergstrom to get some insight.

Give In To Your Fear

Me and my mom are really close. No one really knows you like your mother. She’s seen me grow and evolve. She’s seen me succeed and she’s seen me fall miserably. Our relationship has grown past mother-daughter into friendship. As least, that’s the lie I try to tell myself. I figured out what a faker…
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The No. 1 Threat to Self Development

If you’re an entrepreneur, you quickly learn that whatever’s going on in your life is going on in your business. You’re it. So you get familiar with sales textbooks, positive thinking manuals, Zig Ziglar and Seth Godin. Both Fast Company and the Bible are on my nightstand, and Mentored by a Millionaire is my downtime…
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I admit it. I’m Lazy.

Yeah, I said it. I’m lazy. It feels good to get that off my chest. I’m a creative launch and development specialist for entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the world. That means I’m up at 3 AM in the morning with flashes of genius for their next product, and I work late…
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All the World’s…

One of my charming little students gave me this drawing because she sees me on stage. I was struck by the beautiful sun and clouds and grass, wrapped with curtains and proscenium. There is also an exit. This is like our lives. Whatever world you create, good or bad, there is always an opportunity to…
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Leaving Faith Behind

I’ve talked about faith in the real world. I’m not sure faith is the best word for the experience I think is possible for you. At the time of this post, I’m preparing to host a large-scale fundraising event for one of my favorite organizations. It involves sponsors, artists, performers and filmmakers, social media, speakers…
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