The Leadership Killer

I write on leadership because it’s my assertion that anyone can learn the skills to become a leader for a good cause. Not everyone is built for the task.
I design events and experiences for all kinds of audiences. I’ve spoken in front of and facilitated experiences for professionals, youth, government officials, private clients and the general public.
I have a sixth sense for group energy. I also have two certifications in adult and youth curriculum design and a degree in dramatic arts. So I can always sense the moment a speaker is losing the crowd, or leading them to a higher place.
Here is the thing killing your potential for leadership:
You’re not listening.
Really. I bet you think you’re listening.
You probably have a great cause. There’s something tremendously important that has to get done. You have a great vision and people have bought into it.
Now, some of those people are giving you feedback.
1) They have questions.
2) They disagree with you.
3) They may have been distracted and didn’t hear what you said.
All of that is feedback. If you push ahead and don’t address every one of those concerns, your leadership begins a slow death.
Or spirals down out of the sky like a kamikaze-driven plane.
People need to trust you. They need to know you’re paying attention to them. Even the dissenters. If you don’t address everyone, you’ll lose them ALL in some way or another.
How do you handle those three types of people giving you feedback?
I discuss that in this post. For now, ask some questions. Tell me about the leaders you admire, and even the ones who you believe shouldn’t be leading. If you’re thinking of stepping into a new position, what’s your concern? Leave a comment, or share your insights.
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